White Water Swimming
"Mut ist das Übertreten der sich selbst gesteckter Grenzen."
Elisabeth Hable
As the snow is melting and starts filling our canyons with fresh water we get excited...
Full of anticipation we long for mother nature to let us go into her white water
canyons again to compete with the forces of nature.
You could describe white water rafting as kayaking without a kayak. This new, fascinating sport rapidly gets more and more fans. A quote from the "30 best adventures" article in "Men's Health 8/2005" : "This is how the ball in a
pinball game must feel!"
Your guide will show you the correct posture to swim in white water, how to react in certain white water formations like eddies, counter currents etc. Only then you will start swimming towards the first formations - always under the safe supervision of your guide. Our professional guides will always look after you and are of course well trained with the latest save and rescue techniques. White water swimming is a very special experience and definitely worth a try!
contact us for more information